Scanning fluorescence X-ray microscopy lets one non-destructively and quantitatively map the distribution of most biologically-important metals in cells and tissues. For studies on large-scale tissues and organs, a spatial resolution of several micrometers is often sufficient; in this case, bending magnets at synchrotron light sources provide abundant X-ray flux. We describe here the use of bending magnet beamline 8-BM-B at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) with two distinct microscopy stations: a pre-existing one with Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) mirror optics for slightly higher throughput and the ability to accommodate samples tens of centimeters across, and a new prototype station with an axially-symmetric, single-bounce, capillary optic with slightly less flux, but slightly higher fluence (which affects achievable resolution at low metal concentration) and higher spatial resolution. The KB station provides 10.5 m spatial resolution at a per-pixel exposure time of 100 ms and a fluence per time of 5.8e7 photons per square micron per second, while the prototype capillary station provides 6.3 m resolution and a fluence per time of 6.1e7 photons per square micron per second. We used image power spectral density to estimate the achieved spatial resolution from individually acquired images, with the resolution depending on the optic, the fluorescence signal strength of the sample being imaged, and the method used to process raw fluorescence spectral data.