In animal breeding programs, utilizing quantitative genetic designs such as the full-/half-sibling design is fundamental. A full-/half-sibling design demands that mating can be controlled, and individuals can be tracked, enabling construction of a pedigree. In nature, black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) males are reported to gather in lekking groups to engage in competitive displays and courtship rituals before mating, and this lekking behavior is described as crucial for mating in this species. We show that a randomly chosen male and a randomly chosen virgin female can readily mate under LED lights in a small container at 28 degrees celsius and 70% relative humidity, demonstrating the ability to mate selected pairs. For males given access to four females, all mated and the time until first mating was considerably shorter than for males given only one female, where 80% of the males mated. Furthermore, when adding four virgin females to a single male, males successfully mated all four females in 52% of cases within our four-hour trial, with 96% of males mating at least twice. Number of matings observed for a male correlated with the number of females from the container that laid an egg clutch, and almost all egg clutches produced offspring. Observed mating thus lead to fertilization, and consecutive matings were with new females resulting in full- and half-sibling offspring. Males with four females that mated a second female did so at a median time of less than three minutes upon ending previous mating, showing that polygynous mating occurred rapidly in this setup. Our findings pave the way for moving H. illucens breeding programs beyond mass selection towards advanced selective breeding designs where controlled mating is typically required. Such designs enable selection for multiple traits simultaneously while controlling inbreeding and can drastically increase rates of selection responses compared to mass selection.