Live cell imaging experiments have shown that, although eukaryotic chromosome is compact, the distal dynamics between enhancers and promoters are unusually rapid and cannot be explained by standard polymer models. The discordance between the compact static chromatin organization and the relaxation times is a conundrum that violates the expected structure-function relationship. To resolve the puzzle, we developed a theory to predict chromatin dynamics by first calculating the precise three-dimensional (3D) structure using static Hi-C contact maps or fixed-cell imaging data. The calculated 3D coordinates are used to accurately forecast the two-point dynamics reported in recent experiments that simultaneously monitor chromatin dynamics and transcription. Strikingly, the theory not only predicts the observed fast enhancer-promoter dynamics but also reveals a novel subdiffusive scaling relationship between two-point relaxation time and genomic separation, in near quantitative agreement with recent experiments but diverging sharply from the expectations based on fractal globule models that are good descriptors of global organization of chromosomes. As a by product, we predict that cohesin depletion speeds up the dynamics between distal loci. Our framework shows that chromatin dynamics can be predicted based solely on static experimental data, reinforcing the concept that the three-dimensional structure determines their dynamic behavior. The generality of the theory opens new avenues for exploring chromatin dynamics, especially transcriptional dynamics, across diverse species.